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For Developers

Contribute To Actionable

If you're interested in developing and improving actionable plugin, you're welcome!

  1. Fork Actionable
  2. add advanced search functionality in package: ir.mmd.intellijDev.Actionable.find.advanced.agent by creating a new package representing the language you want to provide advanced search support.
  3. register the new language support in plugin.xml like so: <advancedSearch.providerFactory factoryClass="..." language="..." />
  4. create a PR.
  5. that's it!


for examples of how to implement such functionality you can explore the package.

for Q&A please refer to the discussions page of the actionable repository. feel free to ask any question.

Separate Plugin

If you're developer of a plugin (especially a custom language), and want to provide advanced search support, you're welcome!

  1. add Actionable dependency to your plugin in build.gradle (v4.5 onwards, which includes advanced search)
  2. add Actionable dependency to your plugin.xml: <depends optional="true" config-file="...">ir.mmd.intellijDev.Actionable</depends>
  3. reload project
  4. add actionable extension namespace: <extensions defaultExtensionNs="ir.mmd.intellijDev.Actionable">
  5. add advanced search provider: <advancedSearch.providerFactory factoryClass="..." language="..." />
    for providerFactory you need to extend ir.mmd.intellijDev.Actionable.find.advanced.agent.AdvancedSearchProviderFactoryBean
    language is your language that you want to provide this functionality for.
  6. go with examples inside package
  7. ask any questions in discussions page of the actionable repository.
  8. publish your plugin!